MO(dular) E(nergy)
The combination of storage and balcony power plant enables sustainable electricity generation , monetary savings and independence from the electricity provider as well as the time of electricity generation. The special feature lies in the modularity of the system, as this allows the full potential of the sun to be exploited. By implementing the modular approach, the number of solar panels and the size of the storage unit can be varied. This enables flexible electricity use , adapted to the needs of the user.
MoeCell vs. MoeCell Large
buy now!185W
5 Paneele á 1000x200x17mm
3 Paneele á 980x390x17mm
Flexibler Systemwinkel
Das gesamte MoeCell-System lässt sich flexibel an den Sonnenstand anpassen – für maximale Energieausbeute.
Individuell anpassbare Paneele
Jedes Paneel kann separat gewinkelt werden, um das Sonnenlicht optimal einzufangen – unabhängig von der Ausrichtung deines Balkons.
Einfache Plug-and-Play Installation
Kompakt per DHL geliefert statt sperrig per Spedition – einfach Paneele mit dem Wechselrichter verbinden, einstecken und direkt Strom erzeugen.
Everything you need to know!
How does a balcony power plant with storage work?
A balcony power plant with storage is a small photovoltaic system, usually consisting of 1-4 solar panels, connected to an inverter that converts the direct current produced by the panel into alternating current. In addition, a battery storage system is integrated that stores excess solar power. The electricity is fed into the household grid via a cable with a Schuko plug, with household appliances primarily using the stored or directly generated solar power. This reduces the amount of electricity drawn from the public grid and thus saves money.
Wie viel Strom kann ich mit meinem Balkonkraftwerk MoeCell erzeugen?
MoeCell produziert etwa 185 kWh Strom pro Jahr, während MoeCell Large bis zu 225 kWh pro Jahr erzeugen kann. Die genaue Menge hängt von der Sonneneinstrahlung und der Ausrichtung der Paneele ab. Beide Systeme bieten dir eine effiziente Möglichkeit, deinen eigenen Strom zu produzieren und Energiekosten zu senken – ideal für die Unterstützung des Eigenverbrauchs und die Reduzierung deiner Stromrechnung.
Is a balcony power plant with storage worthwhile?
Thanks to the storage, the efficiency of the electricity generated increases from around 50% to almost 80% compared to a traditional balcony power plant. Annual savings increase from around €180 to around €290 , while the level of self-sufficiency doubles from 20% to almost 40% . Due to the higher system costs, the payback period for a balcony power plant with storage is around 7 years compared to around 5 years for a balcony power plant without storage.
Calculation basis:
- Power consumption: 2400kWh
- Panel angle: 30°
- Balcony orientation: South
- Shading: None
- Grid price: 37 cents per kWh
- PV power: 1,200W
- Storage capacity: 1.5kWh
- System costs balcony power plant: 890€
- System costs balcony power plant with storage: 1790€
Where can I install my balcony power plant?
In addition to the balcony, a balcony power plant can also be installed on the carport, the terrace, the garden house or even on the house wall.
Do I need a permit for my balcony power plant?
No, no approval is required for balcony power plants with an output of up to 600 watts, but registration is necessary. According to the VDE-AR-N 4105 guideline, it is mandatory that the balcony power plant is registered with the responsible network operator.
Wie lange hält ein Balkonkraftwerk?
Ein Balkonkraftwerk hat eine Lebensdauer von etwa 20 bis 25 Jahren. Die Solarpaneele bleiben in dieser Zeit effizient, auch wenn die Leistung leicht nachlassen kann. Hochwertige Komponenten sorgen für eine lange Nutzungsdauer und zuverlässige Stromproduktion. Regelmäßige Wartung und Reinigung verlängern die Lebenszeit zusätzlich. Mit einem Balkonkraftwerk investierst du langfristig in nachhaltige Energie und reduzierst dauerhaft deine Stromkosten.